A Beautiful Bounty: Duality, Justice and Self-Discovery in Shameless Fae, by Cilla Raven
Fantasy , Paranormal Romance , RH / August 20, 2020

“Always expect an arrow to the face, Z.” Zinnia is a princess by day and The Ghost – a fae bounty hunter – by night. Her list of people who can be trusted is short, but her reflexes are sharp. She’s cunning, she’s fierce, and she is about to learn that the rules to the world aren’t exactly what she thought they were. “I have to keep people at a distance, hold my tongue…and play the part of the future queen perfectly, even though I’d rather pull all the feathers out of my big black wings than stand on tradition, ignoring all the problems in our nation as if they don’t exist simply because it isn’t my place to do anything about them yet.” Duality is both a blessing and a curse – a freedom and a binding – and it’s a major theme and moving force throughout this amazing start to a new series from Cilla Raven. “Until a fae girl is married, her words will have no bearing.” As if my mind doesn’t work until I’ve had a cuff placed on my left wrist and a pretentious royal fae dick inside me… There’s a whole lot of social…

Unbound (The Guardian Legacies, #1)
Fantasy , Ghost Fiction / August 11, 2015

Unbound, the first book in The Guardian Legacies series by Emily Goodwin is the introduction to teenage medium Anora Benson. Though she’s always known she is a medium, Anora soon discovers a whole world of beings she never knew existed and powers she didn’t know she had.  Read on for my review! I was torn on the rating for this one. On the one hand, it had beautiful cover art and an amazing story concept. I even found it hard to put down for about the first quarter of the book. But then, as much as I wanted to credit the positive qualities of the story, a few negative aspects began to weigh me down. From the start, I was frustrated that I couldn’t get a good feel for what this book wanted to be, and honestly, I began to suspect that the author wasn’t quite sure either. At times, the innocence of characters and blatantly sophomoric dialogue (like when Ethan asks Anora, “Do you want to be my girlfriend?”) spoke for this book as an innocent YA Paranormal love story.  However, the open discussion of sex, drugs, and alcohol, and the fact that, by the end of the story, Ethan and…

Steel & Stone (Books 1-3)
Fantasy , New Adult , Young Adult / July 20, 2015

I’m an avid reader of Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance, so when I say this story is uniquely and beautifully crafted, you can rest assured that you won’t be reading it identifying aspects of other popular Urban Fantasy series. Read on for my review! I can’t think of a single thing I didn’t like about this series.  The protagonist, Piper, is a wonderful mix of strong, ass-kicking femme fatale and flawed, human damsel in distress.  Trouble seems to follow Piper around, and although she’s perfectly capable of handling herself in a fistfight, there is much about the daemon world that she does not, in the beginning, yet comprehend. Our leading men, Ash and Lyre, are amazing foils to one another.  Ash is the tall, dark, handsome “bad boy” who stoically handles the shit-storms of life, seemingly without breaking a sweat.  And Lyre is the flirtatiously sexy friend who, on more than one occasion, leaves you wondering, “what if”? I sped through this first installation of Steel & Stone, Chase the Dark, and immediately one-clicked the second book. Where Chase the Dark was a beautifully crafted introduction to the world of the Steel & Stone series, Bind the Soul takes us deeper, into the…

Lost Girl: Hidden Book 1
Fantasy , Paranormal Romance / April 28, 2015

Molly Brooks is a telepathic vigilante with a few secrets and a mysterious past. Determined to make something of her bizarre powers, she devotes herself to saving those who need her most. One night, she’s followed by a powerful being in a pickup truck, and her world will never be the same. Finding herself thrust into a world full of supernatural beings she could have only imagined, Molly learns how powerful she really is, and how much she stands to lose. —Book Teaser After reading the premise above and seeing the rave review from one of my favorite authors, Elizabeth Hunter, I was chomping at the bit to try this new series.  I have a soft spot for Urban Fantasy and kick-ass heroines, what can I say? The book started out promising.  I saw a lot of un-plumbed depth in Molly, our heroine and, despite not really having any kind of knowledge of or interest in Detroit, Vanderlinden created an interesting world with intriguing characters.  She had me hooked, and I enjoyed the tension between Molly, Nain and Brennan.  But then, at around 75% into the book, I almost put it down.  And I was angry.  Because I had loved the book so…

Broken: Hidden Book 2
Fantasy , Paranormal Romance / April 28, 2015

Molly Brooks has earned her reputation: an Angel to the humans she’s saved, a nightmare to the supernaturals who cross her. She is the last and only line of defense between the innocents in her city and those who hunt them. She is feared. Loved. A legend in the making. But she’s barely hanging on. She’s lost too much, become something she fears. The things she doesn’t know about her past threaten to destroy her as she tries to learn how to navigate the new world she’s created for herself. Untangling the mysteries of her powers only reveals new dangers, more deadly than anything she could have imagined. Can she protect those she loves, those who have become her friends and family, from the nightmare of what she is? And what will it take to truly break her? Broken may have stolen a small piece of my soul.  I read it in less than a day, because I simply could not put it down.  Read on for my review! There wasn’t a single thing about this book that I didn’t love.  It pulled my heartstrings, it made me laugh, and boy did it make me fall in love! Molly’s journey through…